Pain comes in our lives like a thunderstorm and brings so much of damage to our heart that once its all over, a part of us feels so heavy to share...A piece of of heart is ripped off and never to be patched again...We just cant see the light after that...So afraid to look back in case our past is staring back at us...The thing is people, the thing is, pain comes for a reason. There's always rain after the thunderstorm. Is just that, we are so driven away with the pain, we fail to see the true reason pain comes. Only by feeling the true pain, we learn to be sober...only by pain, we learn to stand up...only by pain, we learn to walk forward...Its only because of pain, we are strong. It gives us so much strength to hold on to the things we deserve, and the strength to let go of the things we just couldnt have... 

The fact is pain is what made me grow. Its because i fell down once, i am standing now. Its because i screwed up once, i know better now. Its because i had lousy friends once, i know who true friends are now. Its because i cried once, i now know when to stop. Its because i crumbled once, i am determined now. Its because i was in pain, i am strong now. "Every pain comes with equal strength to face something greater in life"
Everytime we wanna let go of something, its like we are staring back at the past to move forward. Sometimes, there are pangs in our heart bringing us back to where it all starts, bringing us down, make us weak to fight to let go. As some people say, it needs fairly more strength to let go than to hold on. But, no matter how hard it may be...how much pain i have to hold before i see the light...how much the pain brings me down...I shall fight. Coz' i deserve better...and coz' i believe pain comes to make me stronger, preparing me for the greater battle in future. I'm letting it go...I'm sick of crying...I'm tired with tears...I'm done complaining...I'm so gonna be over the pain coz im strong and pain dont come to destroy, it comes to show how strong i really am. So i am gonna show it. You should too...So, when you are finally up, done crying, and ready to stare at the future to say "Bring It On", give you self a pat on ur back and a well-deserved smile because you are that much closer to success.

1 comment:
hey babe. i understand how you feel. we all have our moments and shit to go thru. but what's important is the way we handle these shitz. what doesn't kill you makes u stronger. learn from it. we have tons to learn in life and everyday is a lesson. and friends are one of the greatest blessings from god himself for he knows we need them. if there's anything, you have great friends around you to help u thru it. i'm just a few steps away so, u know what to do! =) make use of me before we stop living together! so yea, don't hesitate k! i'm always here. =) and don't ever think you're disturbing cuz u're not. it's my pleasure to listen! =) hugs!!!
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