Sometimes, some friends are god-sent. They just know something is bothering you even if u put a fake smile on your face. They know that u need someone beside you even if u say u wanna be alone. They see you beyond the mask you wear, they see the real u, the inner face of who you really are and not who u are pretending to be. They are everywhere... Sometimes it gets so annoying and you shout at them, vent your anger at them...but they just dont leave coz' they know...that its then u need them the most.
They both laugh with and at you...They tease you every chance they get... They envy your success...They annoy you...Irritate you...Make you wanna bang on the wall and bleed to death...Make lame jokes that you feel like chocking on your own vomit and die...They are probably the one who starts off the rumour between you and the guy you hate the most... They mock you on every other thing you do...They critise on the things you think you are good at...The bitch about you in front of you...They say the meanest thing right on your face...Basically they are your best enemy...
Then..The smile with you...The lend a shoulder to lean on...They tutor you so that you dont screw up your exam so that you can graduate together...They hug you for no reason...The kick your ass until you reach the finish line...They sleep over...The listen to your crap about your ex...They give remarkably bitchy look to ur ex that he feel that he wants to die at the moment... They are always there to bitch about the person you dont like...They start a fight with the person they hardly know just because he/she hurt you...The come to your house make themselves at home without you asking...They dont judge you...They pick you up from the bus station at 4am even though they have not slept for 2 days... They are your best friends...
They both laugh with and at you...They tease you every chance they get... They envy your success...They annoy you...Irritate you...Make you wanna bang on the wall and bleed to death...Make lame jokes that you feel like chocking on your own vomit and die...They are probably the one who starts off the rumour between you and the guy you hate the most... They mock you on every other thing you do...They critise on the things you think you are good at...The bitch about you in front of you...They say the meanest thing right on your face...Basically they are your best enemy...
Then..The smile with you...The lend a shoulder to lean on...They tutor you so that you dont screw up your exam so that you can graduate together...They hug you for no reason...The kick your ass until you reach the finish line...They sleep over...The listen to your crap about your ex...They give remarkably bitchy look to ur ex that he feel that he wants to die at the moment... They are always there to bitch about the person you dont like...They start a fight with the person they hardly know just because he/she hurt you...The come to your house make themselves at home without you asking...They dont judge you...They pick you up from the bus station at 4am even though they have not slept for 2 days... They are your best friends...

Anyway, i started off this blog to write about a particular person...Devi...whom i met like in the beginning of last year. Well yeah the first thing i thought bout her was that she was arogant and unfriendly but then like duh i was wrong...First impression is always wrong isnt? She is my person. She is someone i'd call if i need to hide a dead body. She is someone i can share without a single moment of hesitation. I cant believe it but i can just say anything to her, like anything..from my worse, embarrasing moment to my happiest, joyful moment...coz i know she wudnt judge me. U know, sometimes, you think twice to say something...But with Devs, its just so easy to be myself with. She just knows what to say...I can trust her to give me honest opinion...If im doing someting stupid, i can expect her to walk to me, slap me and say "Meks, u r being such a jackass"...When i need someone to shut up and listen, she is the one...If i need some words of wisdom, u know,something to boost my ego...she is so the one. SHE IS MY PERSON!!!!!

1 comment:
that's the sweetest post ever
thanks mekhs. I know i'll be fine because of people like u =)
and why does everyone think i am arrogant and unfriendly when they meet me for the first time?
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